One Little Bean

A voyage to birth and beyond...
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, March 30, 2007

Dressed up for Tatus

Today you and I drove home from Kelowna in the wee hours of the morning--you were great! You slept in the car until we were about 45 minutes from home and when you woke up you played happily until we reached our highway exit. I was so proud of you--you were quite the trooper! We got home at 10:30 a.m. and Tatus was at work. When he was on his way home in the evening, I got you all dressed up to welcome him. You are cuter than cute!!

Standing boldly... with one hand resting on the couch. You are going to be standing on your own soon, I can tell!!
Ok mom, enough with the camera.. gimme that!
posted by Krista at 4:12 PM


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