One Little Bean

A voyage to birth and beyond...
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Eating on your own... sort of

You have got the hang of getting the spoon in the food and the spoon in your mouth, but it's not quite "eating' yet:

posted by Krista at 4:29 PM 0 comments

Friday, March 30, 2007

Dressed up for Tatus

Today you and I drove home from Kelowna in the wee hours of the morning--you were great! You slept in the car until we were about 45 minutes from home and when you woke up you played happily until we reached our highway exit. I was so proud of you--you were quite the trooper! We got home at 10:30 a.m. and Tatus was at work. When he was on his way home in the evening, I got you all dressed up to welcome him. You are cuter than cute!!

Standing boldly... with one hand resting on the couch. You are going to be standing on your own soon, I can tell!!
Ok mom, enough with the camera.. gimme that!
posted by Krista at 4:12 PM 0 comments

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Visit to Gran & Grampa's House: Day 4

Uncle Shane caught you in mid-sneeze!The cute sun hat Gran bought you:
Like my hat? And my shoes??

Gran and Uncle Shane took you for a nice walk while I had a nap:

Cool! A Lily-sized window!

posted by Krista at 5:17 PM 0 comments

Exploring in your spiffy new shoes:
Gran and Lily on the back deck (you've got her blue eyes!):

Uncle Shane teaches you how to use the phone:

For the first couple of days you were really shy around Grampa, but not today!

posted by Krista at 4:01 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Visit to Gran & Grampa's House: Day 3

Helping mom check her email on Gran's spiffy MacBook:
Oh my! What was in that email?

String is yummy, and more interesting than any old emails:
Hey mom! Enough with the emails!! Come and play. (In all fairness, I was emailing your Tatus!)

Gran found you my old sunhat--it fits great, and looks SO cute on you:

How you doin'?

Great shot of the tooth:

Beautiful view as we drive down the hill from Gran and Grampa's house:
Even an Iced Cappuccino couldn't keep you awake!

Play time with the cookie jar:
Cool! It's nose lights up!

Here, you are tickling Uncle Shane's leg:

Time to be goofy:

posted by Krista at 4:43 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Visit to Gran & Grampa's House: Day 1 &2

Our trip to visit Gran, Grampa and Uncle Shane was lots of fun! It took you a few days to remember everyone, but it wasn't long before you were exploring everywhere. We went for walks, went shopping with Gran (we bought you your first pair of shoes, some new bath toys and Gran got you the cutest strawberry sun hat), watched Seabiscuit, which you loved. You jumped up and down on my lap like you were riding the horses!

One evening at dinner we were all busy eating and you were playing in your high chair.. it was pretty quiet and all of a sudden you said "Ya!" Another new word!

Gran shared her squash with you one night and you really enjoyed that. At lunch, you tried some of her peaches and those were pretty good too. Gran and I also discovered that you love to be chased. One of us would hold you and run away from the other person, who would chase you, and you'd shriek and squeal as we ran. :) You definitely like getting chased better than being caught, though.

Gran gives you the neatest things to chew on:
A view from their back deck:
You had lots of time to play with Uncle Shane, when he wasn't reading the Autobiography of Ben Franklin:

Fun times!
Getting sleepy:

A little cuddle with Grampa:
posted by Krista at 3:41 PM 0 comments